University University information*:
Aachen RWTH, Germany
Aalborg U., Denmark
Alberta U., Not a Country
Alfonso X el Sabio, Spain
Alfred-Delp-School, Germany
Anadolu U., Turkey
Ancona U., Italy
Ankara U., Turkey
Antwerp U., Belgium
Aquila U., Italy
Arizona S.U., United States
Arkansas U., United States
Arts & Metiers Paris, France
Athens U., Greece
Atilim Univ., Turkey
Aveiro U., Portugal
Bari U., Italy
Basilicata U., Italy
Baskent Univ., Turkey
Basque Country U., Spain
Beira Interior Inst., Portugal
Belfast U., Italy
Bergamo U., Italy
Berlin T. U., Germany
Bilecik U., Turkey
Bilkent U., Turkey
Bogazici U., Turkey
Bologna U., Italy
Bordeaux I. U., France
Boston Univ., United States
Braunschweig U., Germany
Bremen U., Germany
Bristol U., United Kingdom
British Columbia U., Not a Country
British Intern.School, Switzerland
Brno U., Czech Republic
Bucknell U., United States
Budapest T.U., Hungary
Cachan Ec. Norm., France
Cagliari U., Italy
Calabria U., Italy
Calgary U., Not a Country
California U., United States
Cal-Poly U., United States
Cambridge U., United Kingdom
Cardinal Mercier Coll., Belgium
Carleton U., Not a Country
Carlos III Madrid, Spain
Cartagena U., Spain
Case Western Reserve, United States
Catalunya Pol., Spain
Catania U., Italy
Celal Bayar U., Turkey
CESI, France
CESI Nanterre, France
Charles U., Czech Republic
Cincinnati U., United States
City U. London, United Kingdom
Clausthal U., Germany
Clemson U., United States
Coimbra U., Portugal
Colorado U., United States
Cornell U., United States
Coruna Univ., Spain
Cranfield U., United Kingdom
Czech Techn. U., Czech Republic
Czestochowa U., Poland
Darmstadt U., Germany
Dayton Univ., United States
Decroly Ecole, Belgium
Delft U., Netherlands
Denmark T.U., Denmark
Dresden U., Germany
Duisburg U., Germany
Duke U., United States
Dusseldorf Fachhochschule, Germany
ECAM, Belgium
ECAM Lyon, France
Ec. Nat. Aviation Civile, France
Ecole Centrale de Lille, France
Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
Ecole Centrale de Paris, France
Ecole des Mines d Albi, France
Ecole des Mines d Ales, France
Ecole des Mines de Nancy, France
Ecole Européenne, Belgium
Ecole Mines du Douai, France
Ecole Navale Brest, France
Ecole Pol. Féminine, France
Ecole Pol. Louvain, Belgium
Ecole Royale Militaire, Belgium
Ec. Pol. Palaiseau, France
Edinburgh U., United Kingdom
Eindhoven U., Netherlands
ELISA, France
Embry-Riddle Aero.U., United States
ENSAE, France
ENSAM, France
ENS Cachan, France
ENSHMGrenoble, France
ENSICA, France
ENSIP, École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs de Poitiers, France
ENSMA, France
ENSTA, France
EPF, France
Erasmushogeschool Brussel, Belgium
Erciyes Univ., Turkey
Erlangen U., Germany
ESI, Belgium
ESSTIN, France
ESTACA, France
Extremadura U., Spain
Firenze U., Italy
Florida U., United States
Fourier J. U., France
Franche-Comté, France
Gaziantep U., Turkey
Gdansk T.U., Poland
Gediz U., Turkey
Genova U., Italy
George Washington U., United States
Georgia Inst., United States
Gijon-Oviedo, Spain
Glasgow U., United Kingdom
Gölcük Naval Shipyard, Turkey
Groep T, Belgium
Grove City College, United States
Haarlem U., Netherlands
Hacettepe U., Turkey
Hamburg Fachhochschule, Germany
Hamburg U., Germany
Hannover U., Germany
Haute Ecole de Bruxelles, Belgium
Haute Ecole de Liège, Belgium
Hertfordshire U., United Kingdom
Iceland U., Iceland
Illinois U., United States
I.M.Herramienta, Spain
Imperial College, United Kingdom
Industriële Hog. Leuven, Belgium
INSA Lyon, France
INSA Rouen, France
INSA Strasbourg, France
INSA Toulouse, France
Institut Paul Lambin, Belgium
Institut Pierrard, Belgium
Inst. Maq. Herramienta, Spain
Inst.Sup.Ind. Virton, Belgium
International Space U., France
Iowa U., United States
IPSA, France
ISAE, France
ISIB, Belgium
I.S.I.Liégeois, Belgium
Istanbul T.U., Turkey
Ist.Sup.Tecn. Lisbon, Portugal
IUT Orsay, France
Izmir T.I., Turkey
Joseph Fourier Grenoble, France
KAHO St-Lieven, Belgium
Karadeniz T.U., Turkey
Karlsruhe U., Germany
Kassel Univ., Germany
KHBO Oostende, Belgium
King Juan Carlos U., Spain
King's College London, United Kingdom
Kingston Univ., United Kingdom
Kocaeli U., Turkey
Koc U., Turkey
Konstanz U., Germany
Krakow T.U., Poland
KTH Stockholm, Sweden
Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan, Sweden
Lappeenranta Univ., Not a Country
La Sapienza University, Italy
Las Palmas U., Spain
Laval U., Not a Country
Lecce U., Italy
Lehigh U., United States
Leibniz U., Germany
Le Tourneau U., United States
Leuphana U. Luneburg, Germany
Leuphana U. Lüneburg, Germany
Leuven K.U., Belgium
Liège U., Belgium
Lille Ec.Centr., France
Lille U., France
Limerick U., Ireland
Lisboa (Nova) U., Portugal
Lisbon U., Portugal
Lodz T.U., Poland
London U. College, United Kingdom
Loughborough U., United Kingdom
Louis Neel U., Belgium
Louvain-la-Neuve U.C., Belgium
Lycée Hainaut-Valenciennes, France
Lycee Jules Ferry, France
Lyon U., France
Madrid Pol., Spain
Madrid U., Spain
Magdeburg U., Germany
Malaga U., Spain
Manchester U., United Kingdom
Manhattan College, United States
Marche Univ. Pol., Italy
Marseille Polytechnic, France
McGill U., Not a Country
METU, Turkey
Michigan U., United States
Middlesex U., United Kingdom
Milano Pol., Italy
Miskolc U., Hungary
Mississippi State Univ., United States
Missouri U., United States
MIT, United States
Modena U., Italy
Mons Pol., Belgium
München T.U., Germany
Nancy U., France
Napoli U., Italy
Navarra U., Spain
Newcastle-upon-Tyne U., United Kingdom
New Hampshire U., United States
Northern Arizona U., United States
Notre Dame U., United States
Oklahoma Univ., United States
Old Dominion U., United States
Oldenburg Fach., Germany
Orléans U., France
Oslo U., Norway
Osmangazi U., Turkey
Oviedo U., Spain
Oxford U., United Kingdom
Padova U., Italy
Palermo U., Italy
Paris Est U., France
Paris Sud-Orsay U., France
Paris XIII U., France
Paris XI U., France
Paris X Nanterre, France
Paris X Puteaux, France
Paris X Vaujours, France
Patras U., Greece
Pennsylvania U., United States
Perugia U., Italy
Pisa U., Italy
P.&.M. Curie U., France
Poitiers U., France
Pol. Palaiseau, France
Pol. Paris, France
Pol.Univ.Coll.Mataro, Spain
Pontificia Camillas U., Spain
Porto U., Portugal
Poznan U., Poland
Prague Inst. of Chem. Techn., Czech Republic
Princeton U., United States
Provence U., France
Purdue Univ., United States
Québec U., Not a Country
Queensland U., Belgium
Queen's U., United Kingdom
Reims Champagne U., France
Rey Juan Carlos U., Spain
Rice U., United States
Roma U., Italy
Rostock U., Germany
Rovira i Virgili U., Spain
Ruhr U. Bochum, Germany
Rutgers U., United States
Rzeszow Univ. of Techn., Poland
Salento Univ. del, Italy
Salford U., United Kingdom
San Jose State U., United States
Santa Barbara U., United States
Seville Univ., Spain
Sheffield U., United Kingdom
Sidney Univ., Not a Country
Siena U., Italy
Silesian U., Portugal
Southampton U., United Kingdom
St Louis U., United States
Strasbourg U., France
Stuttgart U., Germany
Syracuse U., United States
Szczecin U., Poland
Technion, Not a Country
Telecom, France
Tennessee U., United States
Texas A&M U., United States
Thermocoax, France
Thessaloniki U., Greece
TOBB Univ., Turkey
Torino Pol., Italy
Torino U., Italy
Toulouse III U., France
Trento U., Italy
Trieste U., Italy
Trondheim U., Norway
Turk. Naval Aca., Turkey
Tuskegee U., United States
Twente U., Netherlands
Udine U., Italy
UGENT - Gent Universiteit, Belgium
Uludag U., Turkey
Universidad de Jaen, Spain
Univ. Libre Bruxelles, Belgium
Un. Nat. Ed. Dist., Spain
US Air Force, United States
UTAH, United States
Valencia U. Pol., Spain
Valladolid U., Spain
Vermont Univ., United States
Victoria U., Not a Country
Vigo Univ., Spain
Virginia U., United States
V.U.B., Belgium
Warsaw U., Poland
Washington U., United Kingdom
West Virginia U., United States
Wisconsin-Madison, United States
Wismar Hochschule, Germany
Wuppertal U., Germany
Zaragoza U., Spain
Name of the university: Please write the name of your university and the country if it is not in the above list.
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
United States
Please select the country if you wrote manually the name of your university.
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Email address of the department or university*: